I wasn't able to be there teaching my class at church today, but instead got to cover a pretty sweet assignment for the Index. Up the road a bit in Calhoun is Meadowdale Baptist Church. Each year for the past six years, they have held a biker church. I talked to the pastor and deacon who got this started up. Both were great guys. It was something else to see all of the bikes in the parking lot. We'll get the article out in the paper next month, more than likely.
It was a trip to see a lot of these guys and here how Christ had saved them. Evidently, there are a lot of bikers who believe in Jesus, even to the point of having organizations like the Christian Motorcyclists Association. It was pretty cool to see a crew who looked to be just as comfortable pronouncing their faith in God as they would in the front row of a Skynyrd concert.
An important point was made to me of which I hadn't been aware. The pastor told me that they donate any money raised at these things to children's charities and the like. The reason being is that bikers are apparently really into that stuff and support it. I asked why that was and he talked about the real sense of family and community found among bikers, and how they are all affected if something happens to one of them or one of their kids. It's a very relationship-driven culture filled with friendly people who love to hang out and get to know others. It's interesting to point out how churches have trouble maintaining such a cohesiveness.