Thursday, April 28, 2005

Early summer and going on missions

One thing I have great memories of from college is going on summer missions. I only went a couple of times, actually, but it led to other short-term trips and a two-year stay in Wyoming with my wife.
Without those trips, I wouldn't have done much travel at all outside of the Southeast. I wouldn't have gotten to experience some different places and met other people. Most of all, I wouldn't have had the time of growth with God that I did. It was in those times that I learned to not depend on myself, but instead to depend on Jesus.
Recently, I got to see a bunch of college students from around Georgia go through their commissioning service in Macon. It was really cool seeing how excited they were about getting out and serving Christ. About half are going out of the country to places like Corsica (yes, like in the Bible), the Philippines and Mozambique. Others are staying in the country but serving in such states as Alaska, Colorado and Georgia, to name a few.