Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Okay, let's have an open conversation ...

It's interesting how in the world of academia it's okay to have an open mind as long as certain viewpoints are not given a seat at the table. The National Education Association, by far the most powerful of teacher unions, has long held a liberal platform in its policies, bowing to pressure from leftist groups.

Here's the biggest problem I have with this. Teachers and principals are overall antsy about the promotion of Christan clubs or anything to do with Christianity today. The reason being is that groups such as the NEA and ACLU will come attacking with the banner of separation of church and state. Education funds are stretched to the max. Therefore, the safe thing to do is to not allow those clubs to meet, or at least make it a big enough headache so that they meet at the nearby church.

Case in point. This month, a parent in Cobb County observed a bench bearing the words "Jesus Loves You" in front of Marietta High School. He said there was no intention of filing a lawsuit, but that his stance on it "will depend on the legal ruling by the school system." He went on to say that it was "best at this point to give [the school board] the opportunity to figure out where they stand."

What a swell guy.

To think how many kids over these years the bench supplied by private donors may have damaged. Absolutely, psychologists all over the area have certainly been working overtime to help the hoards of fragile adolescents no doubt permanently scarred by such a hideous message.

Johnny, why did you shoot up your classmates and attempt to overdose on pills before driving home and filleting your parents?

What can't your read? That bench says Jesus loves me! I can't deal with that kind of pressure!

Whew. At least the free speech of gangsta rap and the National Man Boy Love Association is protected.

One more thing: The parent who raised the question on the bench doesn't even have children at the school.

If you're going to allow free speech, then do it. Get to the root. Is it causing damage? Is it actually provided by private individuals? Allow viewpoints that challenge your own to be heard. Don't trumpet yourself as an accepting intellectual when your just as scared of a dissenting view point as those you attack. Stop hiding behind the hypocrisy of a determined agenda designed to look open-minded. We can all see through the charade.