Now, scientists from around the world have signed an agreement stating there are obvious problems with the evolutionary theory. These scientists are from all over the world. You'll be surprised to know that many are from universities such as UC Berkley and Cornell -- not exactly bastions of conservatism.
I just finished reading a book about this topic. Sure it was fiction, but the author used scientific fact to make his point. For those of you familiar with Frank Perretti, you know that his thing is spiritual warfare and that kind of gig.

His new book, Monster, grabbed me because it centers around something that has fascinated me since I was a kid: Bigfoot. Call it the possibility that there could be a real-life monster out there, perhaps it was from the cheesy 70's TV show about Bigfoot, but it has stayed with me. I'm not about to go out in the woods with a bucket of plaster to make casts of possible prints, but there's still an interest.
In the book, a young couple is camping in the Pacific Northwest when they are chased by a large animal. The last thing the husband sees is his young wife being carried off into the woods by some huge thing. From there, Peretti uses the story to ultimately explore the issue of evolution versus creationism and pointedly the tripping points of mutations leading to positive outcomes. The story is over 400 pages long and it held me enough to finish it in a week.