I woke up this morning when my wife's alarm went off at 5:30. My first thought was "I overslept."
That should tell you a little bit about my daily schedule. Newspaper delivery people and morning news anchors are the only ones who wake up earlier. Sick of trying to work in some exercise time throughout the day. I got up at 4 a.m. Tuesday and ran five miles around the neighborhood.
Crazy, yeah. I got through it mentally by pretending I was preparing to fight the indestructible Drago (who cheats by 'roiding up). Lifting rocks and chopping wood came later in the workout.
Anyway, it's Good Friday and everyone else is off at school or work except me. A perk of working at a Baptist organization is that Good Friday is considered important enough to take a day, so I'm appreciative of that.
Right now I'm in that there's-a-bunch-of-stuff-I-can-be-doing-but-do-I-feel-like-it part of the day. I'll straighten the house and maybe go run at the park. It's actually gotten warm enough that I can't ignore the fact my grass needs to be cut. The drought last summer had me accustomed to a monthly mowing schedule.