I'm working on a few stories for future issues of the Index. One will give a little more background and information on the Georgia Baptist Foundation. It's a part of the Convention that many people don't know about, but from talking to a couple of guys there today, it sounds like the best choice for anyone wanting to donate money which will benefit a GBC entity. People who gave money for a cause back as early as the 40s are still seeing that cash generate funds.
Another one is going to center around gas prices. I hope I'm not too late with this, because it appears the cost at the pump is going to start trickling down -- we may have hit our peak for this year. However, it's still a pinch for church budgets. One area I'm going to look at is to see if churches have changed up their travel expense rates for pastors with the increase in gas prices. Five years ago the gas in Georgia was less than a buck per gallon. With it three times that now, it makes a difference.
There was another story topic that came my way recently I hope can be worked on. It's going to require permission from the subject. Should I get the green light, it will highlight a level of grace rarely seen in churches today.