This is one of those quandries that come with being a bi-wwekly. It was actually possible to get this story in when it broke this past week. However, our next issue isn't until the 30th. By then a story saying "Hey, did you hear about this student who found a wad of cash in a wall in New Orleans?" would be met with "Yeah, I did, a week ago."
I talked with Marty Youngblood, the campus minister at Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, Thursday. Obviously, I need to find a way to cover it that hasn't been done yet, or at least hasn't been overdone. Marty said it's been pretty much nonstop and if the anonymous homeowner decides to come forward that could start the cycle up again. The school's Web site has a video of Trista, though I was unable to open it and have to figure out what the deal is with my media player.