This week's episode was one of the better ones simply to see Gamgee the CTU director get hauled off.
4:04 The first lady jumps into the motorcade. Don't you wish the prez was half the man his wife is?
4:07 Why can't they just redirect the motorcade? A pimply teen can call in a fake fire that causes a road to close, but President Gumby and Mike can't?
4:08 The hobbit is yelling at Edgar. A tenspot says Big E could do a few atomic elboes a-la Dusty Rhodes on him.
4:23 What? Did I just hear that Jack and that other guy are going to a bunker?
4:30 Ooooh! Chloe looks ready to run over Rudy like Mateus did that one time in practice.
4:38 Curtis is currently my hero of the universe! That was one of the greatest beatdowns of little man syndrome ever! Send Gamgee to his tiny mushroom-shaped cell.
4:48 Okay. Who ever runs the presidential ticket of Curtis and Aaron Pierce in '08 gets my vote.
4:56 Isn't Jack's mentor the same guy who was Robocop?
It looks like in the previews for next week (2 hours!) that Jack gets to Robocop while Mrs. Robo looks on. Tony returns. Pierce is told that the Prez actually had handed over the Russian president to the terrorists. Oh yeah, and Wile E. Coyote ... er, Kim comes back to get caught up in little tragedies that have nothing to do with the rest of the plot.