I was listening to a radio station going into work today that had Professor Griff from Public Enemy on. For those of you who don't know, Griff was the guy is this controversial rap group that the others felt was too controversial. Today he was spouting off on topics like how AIDS was a government experiment to kill black people, Christianity is a farce because Jesus really wasn't born on Dec. 25, and 9/11 was a complete and total attack on America straight from the Bush administration. You know, regular suppertime talk. According to him, America isn't even a government. It's a corporation and we are all the little inbred animals on the island to its Dr. Moreau.
It all got me to thinking. You know, I've got some conspiracy theories of my own, and it's time for the world to know the truth...
Politicians: They're all corrupt. Every last one of 'em except for maybe the small town mayor who has lived there ever since he was a kid. People already know all of his/her skeletons. Everyone above that has jumped in bed (literally or figuratively) with someone their supporters wouldn't like. When it comes votin' time, pick the one who is emitting the lowest level of stench.
Wal Mart check out lines: At no point (even at Christmas) will every single register be open and working properly. It's their way of making you wait in line so you'll get bored and buy some gum, candy or a magazine that's not worth the bird poo it will eventually be catching.
Atlanta traffic: The lady talking on the cell phone will always end up in front of me and slowing down or behind me, causing me to sprout three new gray hairs on every slowdown in the anticipation I'm going to get the new-guy-at-Attica treatment. This is all connected to the tire and automotive companies causing me to have to get my car fixed and replaced, lining their pockets with my money.
Playground equipment manufacturers: Didn't think I was going to let them off, did you? Oh yeah! No longer do you see jungle gym contraptions where you might break your skull after falling from the top and bouncing through the bars to the bottom like a human plinko chip. The fun you had before the humpty dumpty routine was worth it, pretty much. Overcautious companies and sue-happy parents have taken this fun out of childhood. Every kid needs to experience one trip to the ER or have knocked themselves out while trying to imitate an older sibling. The conspiracy here is to make us all wusses who won't attempt a marginally-stupid feat simply in respond to those words "Betcha won't!". America needs its cajones back and it starts by toughening up on playgrounds.
and finally ...
Mechanics, doctors, lawyers, real estate agents, deliverymen, kindergarten workers, drive-through people, and air traffic controllers: Basically anyone who has a leg up on information that affects me and I have to trust them. We're all over a barrel here in dealing with these people and taking their word for it. One day I can see where they all ban together at the perfect moment because the rest of us are in perfect alignment for a downfall, orchestrated by this group. This day will come. There's no fighting it.
After all, these people are all part of one big corporation.