As soon as I saw this story about a Reuters photographer taking a picture of a note President Bush slid to Condoleeza Rice during a UN meeting, I smiled. It wasn't because of the note itself asking whether it was a good time to go for presidential whiz, but because of how Bushhaters were going to attack it.
They jumped on it from the start, adding to their list of social gaffes by our president. Actually, many of these are funny. I suspect that my reaction to them is the same as our president's -- laugh about it and move on. In this case, he was checking with his secretary of state about proper protocol. That's it.
For the most part, I'm a Bush supporter. By that admission some people will make instant snap judgements on me. I must be stupid and uneducated. I'm a conservative just to the right of the Klan. I obviously care nothing about the environment or people of other races.
When I hear these people speak or read what they say, it fascinates me. At one time it made me mad. The longer I was exposed to their words, though, the sentiments started to sound familiar. I couldn't quite place it, but one day it hit me. For the most part, Bush-bashers (those who look for a fault in everything our president does. If it rains at their kid's birthday party, it's due to not signing the Kyoto agreement.) are those high school girls who hate other girls and have no clear reason why. There might have been some tangible reason at some point, but that was long ago and now new reasons are created at every move their object of loathing makes.
I can't stand President Bush/Tiffany.
Oh, I just can't. Look at him/her. He/She is just so stupid! I can't stand them!
That's all the reasoning needed.
Oh, some logic will be tossed in there. However, the truth will always be that if the same point were brought up by, say, any Democrat, it would be great. For Bushhaters, it's blame the messenger no matter what.
It's a shame, really. We need dissenting voices in America. Keeps people honest and jives with the checks-and-balances stuff we've been taught since fifth grade. But these folks have pigeonholed themselves into complaining about every little thing with our president. For many observers, it's made liberals' voices sound like the same old gong being pounded with no variation in frequency or message.
Here's where it's tossed in my face about the president's low approval ratings. Here it is: I don't trust the numbers. Also, if there is enough negative press, there will be polls to reflect it. Keep in mind that even though Churchill led England in the fight against Germany, he was still defeated in the next election. History has a weird way of viewing the maligned. I think it will ultimately turn out to be the same for President Bush.