This issue is fast becoming the elephant in the corner for Southern Baptist leadership. Last year a resolution advocating the pullout of Southern Baptist kids from public schools got buried in committee before making it to the floor for debate. As far as I know, the same thing happened this week in Nashville.
The debate over this is going to increase. SBC leaders won't dare support it publicly now, with good reason. A large number of Southern Baptists teach in public schools, and would take it as a slap in the face for this motion to pass. As a former teacher in the public school system, that was my immediate response. All Christians in these classrooms walk a tightrope in being a good witness while maintaining discipline in the classroom. You often have to be a hard case in order to do your job. It's a tough position to be in, but one from which Christians see a lot of fruit. That's why they stay. They won't abandon the ministry -- and it is just that -- which God has given them.