Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Let the metrosexual backlash begin

Finally, this has started. I was getting really sick of shows on TV celebrating the sissyfying of men. I'll wash my hair, but I'm not getting a perm. Manicure? I'll bite my nails during football, basketball and baseball seasons. Pedicure? Please. When the toenails start sawing small slits at the end of my socks, I know to get out the nail clippers. I'll jog and exercise, but not necessarily to get in shape. Instead, it will be so that I can polish off the pizza and wings while only gaining two pounds instead of four.

There's a new world cham-peen

It's amazing what lengths people will go to win a contest ...

Police sew man's lips shut

If you're ever arrested in Pakistan, watch your mouth.

Billy Graham NY crusade sees thousands come to Christ

Unbelieveable. Billy Graham's message when he preaches is simple. It's barely strayed during his ministry. Despite this, the result is always the same. There is something that touches people in his words. It's like when someone is trying to overcomplicate a procedure and another person steps in and says "Wait a minute, get back to the basics."

People are looking for something to fill their spiritual void and aren't interested in the peripheral arguments regarding political and cultural controversies. They understand their current state of being is lacking something. Throughout the years, when Billy Graham speaks the message has connected.

Christianity and zombies

This writer makes some observations between Christianity and what is portrayed in zombie movies. Some interesting takes in this one.

Churches take heed on Supreme Court eminent domain ruling

The fact that the basic freedom of owning and maintaining property is now in jeapordy due to the eminent domain Supreme Court ruling is an eye-opener for churches. Think about it. How many historical churches are located on prime real estate across America. Theoretically, those churches can now be bought up and demolished in order to make room for a business facility. Read the article to get more info.

Churches take heed on Supreme Court eminent domain ruling

The fact that the basic freedom of owning and maintaining property is now in jeapordy due to the eminent domain Supreme Court ruling is an eye-opener for churches. Think about it. How many historical churches are located on prime real estate across America. Theoretically, those churches can now be bought up and demolished in order to make room for a business facility. Read the article to get more info.

The idea behind the ruling is that more property taxes are generated if there is a business employeeing many people located there. Churches are tax-exempt. Dontcha think a local government low on funds will look at generating some extra revenue by closing down church, sanctuary, etc.?

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

SBC and public school flap only going to grow

This issue is fast becoming the elephant in the corner for Southern Baptist leadership. Last year a resolution advocating the pullout of Southern Baptist kids from public schools got buried in committee before making it to the floor for debate. As far as I know, the same thing happened this week in Nashville.

The debate over this is going to increase. SBC leaders won't dare support it publicly now, with good reason. A large number of Southern Baptists teach in public schools, and would take it as a slap in the face for this motion to pass. As a former teacher in the public school system, that was my immediate response. All Christians in these classrooms walk a tightrope in being a good witness while maintaining discipline in the classroom. You often have to be a hard case in order to do your job. It's a tough position to be in, but one from which Christians see a lot of fruit. That's why they stay. They won't abandon the ministry -- and it is just that -- which God has given them.

Girl saved by Lions

Pretty amazing story. A young girl is kidnapped and beaten by a group of men, one of whom is going to force her into marriage. She is saved by a group of lions that chase the men off and then guard her for a few days.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Careful, that's not lemonade ...

I imagine more guys than you would think have had to make a pit stop when there just wasn't enough time. Therefore, you use what's handy. I never knew it could become such a problem, though.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by sbarkley.
On Weiss Lake, Gary tries to trade places with the tube. It didn't work.

Playing with Nana

Playing with Nana
Originally uploaded by sbarkley.
This was taken at the Wills family reunion near Birmingham. No matter what kinds of contraptions are on a playground, Rylee loves to just grab onto something and swing.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Pro-life video to see

You might remember Nick Cannon, yeah, the guy in Drumline. He's released a CD containing the track "Can I Live?", which is based on his own story as one who almost was aborted. Scroll to the bottom to see the video. Really good.

Koran flushing story may reveal more about ourselves than we realize

I agree with the basic premise of this column. One thing to not forget, though, is that the ones rioting over perceived Koran abuse also are so fervent about the book that they whip men whose beards aren't up to snuff and torture women for flashing an ankle. Be careful about how far to take it.

Christian student group denied admittance on campus

It makes you wonder. The sticking point with the college in this story has to do with criteria for members of the Christian Legal Society. There's one particular requirement for this Christian group which apparently won't do for the powers at Southern Illinois University.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hope and joy personified

Having a child has changed my perspective on some things. If it looks like she's in danger, I tell her no. If it's past bedtime, she needs to get back to her room. If she's not eating her supper, there's no dessert. Basically I've become a parent.

Being in this role doesn't just mean setting limitations, though. I also get to see her advancements. I hear the first time she says my name clearly. When she puts her basketball through her tiny hoop. When she tells us she has to go potty BEFORE she actually does it.

In 1 Thessalonians 2: 17-20 Paul talks about his desire to see those in the young church planted in Thessalonica. Earlier in the book he talks about imitating the right things and taking up those habits. In this passage, he comes back to that and addresses the readers as his hope and joy. Makes sense. When Rylee does something well, I'm proud and want to take at least a little credit. At the same time, the accomplishment is hers.

Paul saw these young believers as the evidence that the gospel he was spreading was taking root. I can see him seeing it as a vindication for himself that, despite a lot of trouble encountered on his mission trips, some were getting the message.

I know my daughter's accomplishments will continue to mount. They will be things I can easily do myself, of course. But I get the satisfaction out of seeing her do them herself. It's a joy to watch.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Spray can increase people's trust

I wonder if the Amway people have heard of this stuff ...