Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The worst place on Earth

North Korea is a place that we all have very good reason to believe is as close to hell as we can imagine. The only reason we don't know the extent of its misery for sure is that Kim Jong-il won't let anyone have a look inside. This guy, referred to as "the Gargoyle" by Neal Boortz (I like that) is the ruler of what has basically become a slave state, according to the writer of this article
Call it the macabre side of me, but I've been fascinated with rulers of a country who can oversee the systymatic torture and murder of its citizens. I've read up a little about Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot in this regard. We've heard the stories about Sadaam and guys like Idi Amin. To have the conscience that allows one to place an entire country under their despotic thumb and force servitude, or outright kill 'em if they pose a threat, is something that's gone on for a long time, and I can't figure out why that is so.
I remember the stories for the 90s on North Koreans starving in large numbers. Check out what the author of this piece says he was given to eat on a tour of the country as a "privileged guest." The most fascinating thing here, though, may by the nighttime sattelite picture of the Korean peninsula. It speaks the truth not only literally but figuratively.